Thailand’s Largest Catholic Village Flourishes For 140 Years

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Kurang dari dua persen orang Thailand adalah penganut Katolik. Tetapi di provinsi Sakhon Nakhon, kota kecil para penganut Katolik Romawi telah berkembang selama hampir 140 tahun, bernama Tha Rae.

Keturunan Vietnam, Cina dan Laos menetap di daerah ini setelah mereka diusir dari rumah mereka akibat perang. Peneliti lokal mengatakan bahwa penduduk kota ini memiliki budaya unik yang di masa lalu menghadapi kekerasan dari negara Thailand, namun kini hidup dalam harmoni.

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Fewer than two percent of Thais are Catholics. But in Sakhon Nakhon province, small Roman Catholic town has flourished for nearly 140 years, called Tha Rae.

The descendants of Vietnamese, Chinese and Lao groups were settled in this area after they were driven from their homes because of war. This local scholar says they have a unique culture which in the past faced hostility from the Thai state, but now lives in harmony.

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