【Drive Thru Miami】Can I take your NEW YEAR ORDER? 🍔🎆

Описание к видео 【Drive Thru Miami】Can I take your NEW YEAR ORDER? 🍔🎆

Let's have a last snack of the year together!




✦ Be respectful and kind! Any forms of discrimination, doxing, harassment, hateful speech, etc. are prohibited!
✦Keep cursing to a minimum and please refrain from making sexual comments. We would like the streams to be seiso! (Going along with my jokes is okay, but only when I am still making them myself!)
✦ Please do not spam, I will see your message when I see it! This includes repeating the same message over and over again. If you want to be sure I read your message, send me a tip! It'll read your message aloud!
✦ Trolling is NOT appreciated.
✦ Please keep personal matters to yourself and keep the in-chat conversations on topic with stream.
✦ No backseating or spoilers unless I specifically ask for it!
✦ Do not mention me in other VTuber’s streams. Please also refrain from mentioning other VTubers in my stream unless I bring them up first.
✦ NO self-promotion in chat allowed unless I ASK YOU!
✦ Do NOT interact with bots or mention them! Just block, report and ignore!
✦ I speak English, Dutch and will try my best at Japanese. Please chat in one of these languages.



✦ Live Tag

✦ Art Tag



✦ YouTube Channel

✦ Twitter

✦ TikTok
  / yuririn_vt  

✦ Instagram
  / yuririn_vt  

✦ Discord Server
  / discord  

✦ Tipping Page



!welcome – Gives new people in chat a welcome message!
!yuririn – Gives you a link to my pages/socials
!schedule – Links to my weekly stream schedule
!wishlist – Links to my Throne wishlist
!discord - Links to the Discord Server!
!tip – Links to my tipping page
!spoilers – Tells everyone to please not spoil or backseat!
!lurk – Tells me you’re lurking if you don’t want to chat
!seiso - Tells people to refrain from making sexual comments and cursing
!offtopic - Warns people about staying on topic with the stream
!repeat - Tells people to please not repeat the same message multiple times



✦ Pixel animations

✦ Chat Widget

✦ BGM Starting, Chatting, Ending Screens (Regular Overlay)
yuhei Komatsu

✦ BGM Other

✦ Logo, BG and model art by me!

#vtuber #envtuber #vtuberen #yuririn #raibuspace #artronauts #streaming #stream #gaming #games #gamestream #gameplay #streamgame #drivethrumiami #drivethru #drive #thru #miami #simulatorgame #simulator #drivethrough #drivethrusimulator


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