사피엔스 159강

Описание к видео 사피엔스 159강


159강(p. 150) 1/4
All the above-mentioned distinctions - between free persons and slaves, between whites and blacks, between rich and poor - are rooted in fictions./ (The hierarchy of men and women will be discussed later.) Yet it is an iron rule of history that every imagined hierarchy disavows its fictional origins and claims to be natural and inevitable.

dis·tinc·tion [distíŋkʃən] n. 구별, 차별;
be rooted in …에 원인이 있다, …에 뿌리박고 있다
dis·a·vow [dìsǝváu] vt. 부인하다, 거부하다.
in·ev·i·ta·ble [inévitǝbəl] ɑ. 피할 수 없는, 면할 수 없는; 부득이한

159강(p. 150) 2/4
For instance, many people who have viewed the hierarchy of free persons and slaves as natural and correct have argued that slavery is not a human invention./ Hammurabi saw it as ordained by the gods./ Aristotle argued that slaves have a slavish nature whereas free people have a 'free nature'./ Their status in society is merely a reflection of their innate nature.

or·dain [ɔːrdéin] vt. (신·운명 등이) 정하다; (법률 등이) 규정하다, 제정하다, 명하다《thɑt》
159강(p. 150) 3/4
Ask white supremacists about the racial hierarchy, and you are in for a pseudoscientific lecture concerning the biological differences between the races./ You are likely to be told that there is something in Caucasian blood or genes that makes whites naturally more intelligent, moral and hard-working./ Ask a diehard capitalist about the hierarchy of wealth, and you are likely to hear that it is the inevitable outcome of objective differences in abilities.

su·prem·a·cist [sǝprémǝsist] n. 지상(至上)주의자
┈┈• a white ~ 백인 지상주의자.
be in for something (특히 불쾌한 일을 곧) 당할[맞게 될] 상황이다
pseudoscientific 유사 과학적
Cau·ca·sian [kɔːkéiʒǝn, -ʃǝn/-zjǝn] ɑ. 카프카스 지방〔산맥〕의; 카프카스 사람의; 백색 인종의. n. 백인; 카프카스 사람.
díe·hàrd n. 󰆴 완강한 저항자, 검질긴 사람; 완고한 보수파 정치가;
159강(p. 150) 4/4
The rich have more money, in this view, because they are more capable and diligent./ No one should be bothered, then, if the wealthy get better health care, better education and better nutrition./ The rich richly deserve every perk they enjoy.

perk¹ [pǝːrk] vi. ① 《+󰃌》 (낙담·병(病) 뒤에) 생기가 나다, 건강해지다; 활기 띠다《up》 n. 임직원의 특전

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