Residents want to complain to the ombudsman

Описание к видео Residents want to complain to the ombudsman

Many residents complained to the MMDA about their Barangays one-side parking ordinance, which has resulted in their streets becoming a dumping area for broken and abandoned vehicles.

Some of the vehicles have already been converted to make-shift homes, along with eateries and sari-sari stores being installed on the easements.

One homeowner said that although it's an alternating one-side parking ordinance, many of the vehicles are being pushed or lifted to the other side of the street every couple of weeks, even though they're still broken and have been there for months or years.

One resident also said that many of the license plates have been removed, making it difficult to trace the true owners of the vehicles.

Obviously this goes against the intention and spirit of a one-side parking ordinance - which is to provide temporary come-and-go parking for residents.


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