【山林蟲坊】瓦楞紙人工蛹室製作教學 | Teaching of Making Artificial Pupal Chambers with Corrugated Paper

Описание к видео 【山林蟲坊】瓦楞紙人工蛹室製作教學 | Teaching of Making Artificial Pupal Chambers with Corrugated Paper

The corrugated paper artificial pupa chamber has the advantages of low cost and simple production. If the operation is correct, the success rate of emergence is not lower than other kinds of artificial pupa chambers! Try to do it!

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#山林蟲坊 #瓦楞紙 #人工蛹室 #DIY #甲蟲 #飼育 #蛹 #前蛹
#甲虫 #段ボール人工蛹室
#mfbeetles #artificial #pupachambers #beetle #breeding #pupa #prepupa


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