Building a 6.5 Remington Short Action Ultra Mag. Chambering, Threading installing a Muzzle Brake

Описание к видео Building a 6.5 Remington Short Action Ultra Mag. Chambering, Threading installing a Muzzle Brake

Follow along as I rebarrel a Remington 700 in 6.5 Short Action Ultra Mag.
During this build we ran into issues with the Receiver.
Someone over lapped the bolt lugs in the past. Then later on someone replaced bolt with an aftermarket PTG bolt. But never checked the bolt contact with the receiver. Only one side of the bolt was making contact with the receiver lugs.
We had to true up the receiver lugs and the face of
the action.
The customer requested us to put on a Lil Beast Brake. This video shows how i level the brake to then action/rifle receiver.

As always thanks for following along with this build

God Bless,


Drews Precision

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