We Need To Talk About The PSP 5G... | The Complete Discussion

Описание к видео We Need To Talk About The PSP 5G... | The Complete Discussion

Welcome everyone, a recent patent for a PSP 5G was recently discovered. WIth the huge success of the original PSP (not so much with so with the PS Vita) I am very excited (and worried) about the possible release of a new PlayStation Portable! However, Sony has a bad habit recently of adding useless and expensive gimmicks to PlayStation products and I wanted to make this video to talk about some hopes I have for this PSP 5G, but also some things I don't hope to see. Either way, the idea of a new PSP (called PSP 5G or not...) has really got me excited and I hope you are too!

Thanks for watching!

#PSP5G #CompleteDiscussion


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Music Credit: Brock Berrigan

  / brockberrigan​  


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