Pay the rent or feed the family? Americans can't afford groceries

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Current Report on the Affordability of Rent and Food in the United States

October 20, 2023

The cost of living in the United States is rising at an alarming rate, and many Americans are struggling to afford basic necessities like rent and food. In fact, a recent study by the National Low Income Housing Coalition found that the average renter in the United States cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment at the fair market rent.

The high cost of food is another major challenge for many Americans. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index for food increased by 11.4% in the past year. This means⁷ that the cost of food has risen faster than any other major category of goods and services.

The rising cost of rent and food is putting a strain on many Americans, and it is forcing many people to make difficult choices. For example, some people are choosing to skip meals in order to afford their rent. Others are taking on multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Still others are falling behind on their rent and bills.

Statistics on the Affordability of Rent and Food in the United States

According to the National Low Income Housing Coalition, the average renter in the United States cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment at the fair market rent.

The Consumer Price Index for food increased by 11.4% in the past year.

According to a recent survey by the Census Bureau, 23 million adults reported that their household didn't get enough to eat in the past month.

An estimated 1 in 4 renters with children lived in a household that was behind on rent in the past month.

The Impact of High Rent and Food Costs on Americans

The high cost of rent and food is having a significant impact on Americans. Many people are struggling to afford basic necessities, and they are being forced to make difficult choices. Some people are choosing to skip meals in order to afford their rent. Others are taking on multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Still others are falling behind on their rent and bills.

The high cost of rent and food is also having a negative impact on the economy. When people are struggling to afford basic necessities, they have less money to spend on other goods and services. This can lead to a decrease in consumer spending and economic growth.

What Can Be Done to Address the Affordability of Rent and Food in the United States?

There are a number of things that can be done to address the affordability of rent and food in the United States. These include:

Increasing the minimum wage

Expanding access to affordable housing

Providing more assistance to low-income families

Investing in food security programs

It is important to note that there is no single solution to the problem of high rent and food costs. However, by taking a comprehensive approach, we can make it easier for Americans to afford basic necessities and live a decent life.

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