【我願觸動祢心弦/ Lord I Want To Touch Your Heart】| LIVE ft. 蔡佳靈, Melody Hwang 黃友聞, Theo Chou 周顯哲

Описание к видео 【我願觸動祢心弦/ Lord I Want To Touch Your Heart】| LIVE ft. 蔡佳靈, Melody Hwang 黃友聞, Theo Chou 周顯哲

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Melody Hwang 黃友聞
Youtube: ‪@MelodyHwangMusic‬
IG:   / melodyhwang.  .
FB:   / melodyhwangmusic  

主唱Vocals: Charis蔡佳靈
主唱/合音 Vocals/Harmony:Melody Hwang黃友聞
吉他Guitar:Theo Chou 周顯哲
影音後製Post Production: Theo Chou 周顯哲 、Charis蔡佳靈

我願觸動祢心弦 Lord, I Want To Touch Your Heart
詞/曲:施弘美 Tiffany Wang
Copyright 2001 讚美之泉/施弘美版權所有/BMI

每當我來到主祢寶座前 When I come before Your throne
我心我靈向祢俯伏敬拜 I humble my heart and spirit in worship
再次將主權交托全能神 I surrender to the Almighty God
懇求祢心意向我顯明 Please reveal Your precious will to me

我願觸動祢心弦 I want to touch Your heart, Lord
全心討祢喜悅 I only want to please You
我要舉起雙手 降服於祢 I lift my hands and surrender to You
貼近祢的胸懷 Draw near to Your embrace
我願觸動祢心弦 want to touch Your heart, Lord 
全心討祢喜悅 I only want to please You
我主我的神 求奪我心意 My Lord and God I surrender all
完全屬於祢 My life is in Your hands


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