Adobe Animate 2021: Shape Rigging [#6] | Beginners Tutorial

Описание к видео Adobe Animate 2021: Shape Rigging [#6] | Beginners Tutorial

#AdobeAnimate #adobeAnimateTutorial

Welcome to Intro to Adobe Animate 2021! In this series, I'll break down, step by step, everything you need to know to make your first animation in Adobe Animate! We'll cover everything from opening the software to exporting your final animation! Check out the episode list below to make sure you've watched the whole series! In this episode we learn a little bit about shape rigging and how to apply it to simple shapes.

00:00 Intro
00:12 Episode Overview
00:33 Rigging with the Bone Tool (Separate Video)
00:36 Rigging with Layer Parenting (Separate Video)
00:46 What is Rigging?
01:12 Rigging a Basic Shape
02:31 Setting Up Your Symbol
06:34 Layer Parenting
10:39 Member Shoutouts

Episodes in this Series:
Ep.00: Planning and Generating Ideas
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Planning & Genera...  
Ep.01: The Absolute Basics
   • Adobe Animate 2021: The Absolute Basi...  
Ep.02: Frame by Frame Animation
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Frame by Frame An...  
Ep.03: Symbols and Tweens
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Symbols and Tween...  
Ep.04: Colour, Gradients and Effects
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Colour, Gradients...  
Ep.05: Shape Morphing
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Shape Morphing [#...  
Ep.06: Shape Rigging
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Shape Rigging [#6...  
Ep.07: Working with Sound
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Working With Soun...  
Ep.08: Camera and Parallaxing
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Cameras and Paral...  
Ep.09: Exporting/Publishing Options
   • Adobe Animate 2021: Exporting/Publish...  

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