Operation Steel Ether: Episode 1

Описание к видео Operation Steel Ether: Episode 1

Elves, Humans, and Dwarves face a foe greater then any other the King of the devils
Cinder. This Devil seeks to claw and tear the mortal world apart and merge the two lands under the direction of the three kingdoms they joint agreed to work on a project to create large atomotons fuled by soul mesh's to fight off the powerful creatures of magic however corrupted by the influence of Cinder the Scitests and lab workers have pleged their loyalty to the devil lord. The machines nearing complition need to be stopped before the tide of battle is swayed and the mortal realm dies
A unit know as Solid Gears will lead the charge as they must sneak through the base, avoid traps and stop the complition of the Rune knights!


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