Low Stomach Acid, Proton Pump Inhibitors, and the Oral-Gut Microbiome | Research Insights

Описание к видео Low Stomach Acid, Proton Pump Inhibitors, and the Oral-Gut Microbiome | Research Insights

In this video, I’m sharing key findings from the study "Oral Microbiome: A Review of Its Impact on Oral-Systemic Health", which explores how low stomach acid can allow harmful oral bacteria to migrate into the gut, potentially disrupting the gut microbiome. This disruption can lead to digestive issues and systemic inflammation.

I also discuss how proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), commonly used to reduce stomach acid, can contribute to this process by lowering stomach acidity, making it easier for oral bacteria to travel to the gut.

If you’re concerned about low stomach acid or taking PPIs, this video explains how they both impact your oral health and gut health.

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