Krita 5.2.6 - Pencil Challenge

Описание к видео Krita 5.2.6 - Pencil Challenge

Sous-titre en FRANCAIS!
CC in English or in French.

Hello everyone.
This week, I challenge you to create a drawing using only your favorite pencil brush. The true challenge will be to play with different line thicknesses and opacities. Finally, the subject must be a plant, flower, or animal.
If you need inspiration, watch this quick video to see how I drew my flower.

Happy creating and I will see you next time.
Au revoir et a bientôt. 💕

Here is the video that teaches how to use the pencil brush:
KRITA 5.2.2 - UNLOCK THE MAGIC OF THE PENCIL BRUSH 😮 - How to craft stunning pencil art + demo.

Share your images on My Twitter account: @Blade_and_Quill
Share your images on the forum:

00:00 Intro
00:45 Demonstration
04:20 Done. Your turn!

*** Royalty-free music tracks and sound effects are from AUDIO HERO.***🎵🎶
Free Sound Track Name: Seek the Meditation Flame
Please click on the following link for the rights information:

**How to support the channel**
I have created a guide that you can use alongside my video tutorials. Grab my KRITA QUICK START GUIDE 2025 (Updated & Expanded Edition): A step-by-step visual and interactive guide.
The book is now priced at $14.99 to help cover shop fees. I truly appreciate your support for my small business, but most of all, thank you for your understanding! 😊💕

Link to the Gumroad store:
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** About Corinne **
I am a French author and illustrator. My mission is to provide easy-to-follow tutorials for anyone interested in learning. Thank you so much for watching my channel!

I hope you will one day consider subscribing and following me for more tutorials.

Have a fantastic week and create some great art!


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