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Unboxing & Installation for first time brand new Trezor Model T Cryptocurrency Hardware Wallet. Keeping your bitcoins secure has never been so easy. Same goes for other coins. Experience the possibilities of the new TREZOR
Trezor's stunning new Model T features a gorgeous RGB LCD touchscreen, All confidential data, including your PIN, is now entered through the screen's randomized digital keypad, and sent out via USB only after authentication.
SD card slot and faster processor
Trezor has no limit on the number of different coins you can store on a single device, making it an excellent value
Register to Coinbase true this link and get 10$ bonus:
Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), All ERC20 Tokens, Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Stellar (XLM), Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Monero (XMR), Tezos (XTZ), Zencash (ZEN), Litecoin (LTC), Dash (DASH), NEM (XEM), Ethereum Classic, (ETC) Zcash (ZEC), Bitcoin Gold (BTG), Dogecoin (DOGE), Decred (DCR), Lisk (LSK), DigiByte (DGB), Monacoin (MONA), Wanchain (WAN), Zcoin (XZC), Bitcoin Private (BTCP), Groestlcoin (GRS), SmartCash (SMART), Vertcoin (VTC), Viacoin (VIA), Bitcore (BTX), Namecoin (NMC), GameCredits (GAME), Feathercoin (FTC), DIM TOKEN (DIMTOK), DIMCOIN (DIM), Myriad (XMY), Flashcoin (FLASH), Pesetacoin (PTC), Fujicoin (FJC), Breeze Token (BREEZE), Denarius (DNR), Koto (KOTO), MUE (MUE), PacNEM Game Credits (PAC:HRT), PacNEM Score Tokens (PAC:CHS), GoChain (GO), Ubiq (UBQ), Pirl (PIRL), Musicoin (MUSIC), Expanse (EXP), QWARK (QWARK), Akroma (AKA), EtherGem (EGEM), Ellaism (ELLA), Atheios (ATH), AKASHA Tokens (AETH), Berlin Hack&Tell winner token (BHNT), CEFS (CEFS), Callisto (CLO), Convenient To Go (CTGA), EOS Classic (EOSC), Ether-1 (ETHO), Ella Mining Tokens (MINING), Ethereum Social (ETSC), Ethersocial Network (ESN), RICKS (RICKS), RSK (RSK), UniversalCoin
Size: 64mm x 39mm x 10mm(2.5 x 1.5 x 0.4 in)
Weight: 16g (0.56 oz)
Windows, macOS, Linux, Android Mobile
Connector: USB Type C
Ext. Encrypted Storage: Micro SD
Certification level: CE and RoHS certified (quality, reliability and environmental standards)
Display: 240 x 240 px, RGB LCD display
CPU: 168 Mhz ARM Cortex-M4 processor
INSTAGRAM: / kruno.eti
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We Got Something by LiQWYD / liqwyd
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library • We Got Something – LiQWYD (No Copyrig...
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