SAI BASICS! Practicing Sai At Home and How to Improve your Sai Flip!

Описание к видео SAI BASICS! Practicing Sai At Home and How to Improve your Sai Flip!

Here is a Sai basics video where we go over some basic techniques used with the Sai. The Sai is a traditional weapon used in Okinawa Martial Arts, we have 4 Katas that we practice Sai within our style traditionally. Be careful when using Sai as they are weapons and you can hurt yourself or damage your surroundings. For beginners cover your feet with a thick pad to protect your feet until you feel comfortable to move around with them!

Learning Sai is extremely fun and challenging. Instead of using two hands to control one weapon like Bo, you are learning to control two weapons with each of your hands! When you begin to gain mastery of your weapons the enjoyment and excitement of performing Kobudo Katas increases!

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