How To Turn Regular Pump Gas Into Higher Octane Race Fuel

Описание к видео How To Turn Regular Pump Gas Into Higher Octane Race Fuel

Engine Power has used Race Gas fuel concentrate in their builds for years because it works! Race Gas is a fuel concentrate that can be added to pump gas to raise the octane a full 4 points per 2 ounces of mix. That means you can take 93 octane pump gas and mix it up to 105, replacing the need for distilled race fuel.

There's a mixing table on the back that lets you tailor your octane what you want and need. And the nice thing is you can mix it anywhere there's a gas pump and it's catalytic converter sage.

For demonstration, Pat adds 3 ounces per gallon to 87 octane pump gas which will bring it up to 93 octane. After pouring Race Gas in simply shake the container to make sure it mixes completely.


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