Persian Turnip Pottage | Ash Shalgham | آش شلغم سرآشپز گلریز | آش شلغم

Описание к видео Persian Turnip Pottage | Ash Shalgham | آش شلغم سرآشپز گلریز | آش شلغم

Persian Turnip Pottage | Ash shalgham | آش شلغم سرآشپز گلریز | آش شلغم
How to Make Persian Turnip Pottage
Ash Shalgham (Turnip Soup)
Turnip Soup – Shalgham
Turnip Pottage
آش شلغم بدون گوشت
آش شلغم

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Persian Turnip Pottage | Ash shalgham | آش شلغم سرآشپز گلریز | آش شلغم
Ash Shalgham(turnip):

The land of Khorasan is distinguished for its variety of Ash, whether made with greens or with meat and spaghetti.
Ash Shalgham(turnip) is one of the local Ashes of south Khorasan and of course one of the most common Ashes in Iran that has
many therapeutic and medicinal uses.

One of the varied Ashes cooked in the city of Birjand is Ash Shalgham(turnip), which has become one of the main
dishes of Birjand. Turnip as one of the main raw materials of this ash, it adds to its nutritional value and you can even go
to the cold war by eating this Ash Shalgham(turnip) in cold weather. Of course, not only does it make up the turnip,
the Birjandi add in addition to turnip, rice, minced meat, onions and cotyledons, the same ingredients that make it a perfect meal.
Each city's local cuisine is somehow part of that city's culture, and getting to know these foods can provide interesting information about each place.

Ingredients of Ash Shalgham:
Chopped turnip 500 gr
Lentil or mung bean,
half a cup Salt,
pepper and turmeric to the extent necessary
Half a cup of rice
A large chopped onion Spinach,
leeks and parsley 350 gr
Juice or stew meat 10 cup.
Recipe of Ash Shalgham(turnip) :
Bake the grated onion in a suitable skillet with a little oil until golden. Then stir in a little turmeric and add the pre-washed
lentils or mung beans to the pot and cook over high heat until the water boils and then reduce the flame to a gentle simmer.
When you are nearing the last step of cooking the lentils, add the rice and stir a little. Let the rice cook with a little lentils.
Then add the chopped vegetables with the turnip greens and a little salt and pepper. After adding all the ingredients, allow about 3
minutes to cook and allow to cool completely. After the cooking is complete, dice Ash Shalgham (turnip) in a good dish and garnish
with hot mint and onions.

🌟 نوش جان - Bon apetit 🌟
#Ash Shalgham
#سرآشپز گلریز
#آش شلغم


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