Assassins Creed 3 - Connor's Greatest Speech

Описание к видео Assassins Creed 3 - Connor's Greatest Speech

Even through the hardest times we must focus on the light, the truth, the goal we are perusing. All is not lost when we fell it is, for we still hold dear what we know. Standing in the dark where we feel our end come near, it is not all over, our lives are an inspiration to others. To change others we must first change ourselves. A generation of truth and freedom must come with the changed man on the inside, before he can change his outside. We are not perfect, but we must strive to be the best of ourselves. Live not for yourself, but for others, there is no greater honor than serving, protecting, and teaching others. For everyone's life is on stake. More your choices carefully, they make who you are. Your life is on the line, make sure your following the straight and narrow path.

Connors Speech-
My Father left those from me. Mother, Father, I am sorry. I have failed you both. I made a promise to protect our people. I thought, I thought If I could stop the Templars. If I could keep the Revolution free from their influence, that those I supported would do what was right, they did, I suppose, do what was right, what was right for them.

As for you Father, I thought I might unite us, that we would forget the past and forge a better future. I time I believe you could be made to see the world as I did, to understand. But it was just a dream. This to I should have known.

Were we not meant to live in Peace then, is that it. Are we born to argue, to fight? So many voices, each demanding something else. It has been hard at times but never harder than today. To see all I worked for prevented, discarded, forgotten.

You would say I would have described the whole of history Father. Are you smiling then? Hoping I might speak the words you long to hear, to validate you, to say all along you were right. I will not. Even now, faced as I am with the truth of your cold words, I refuse. Cause I believe things can still change. I may never succeed. The Assassins may struggle another thousand years in vain, but we will not stop.

Compromise, that's what everyone has insisted upon. And so I have learned it, but different than most I think. I realize now that it will take time. That the road ahead is long and shrouded in darkness. It is a road that will not always take me where I wish to go. And I doubt I will live to see its end, but I will travel down it none the less. For at my side walks hope, in the face of all that insists I turn back, I carry on. This, this is my compromise.


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