Nigeria Rejected LCA Tejas & HAL Prachand Helicopter | Ayyan Official

Описание к видео Nigeria Rejected LCA Tejas & HAL Prachand Helicopter | Ayyan Official

Nigeria Rejected LCA Tejas & HAL Prachand Helicopter | Ayyan Official

Nigerian pilots came to India for a training course and India tried to sell its halprachand helicopters and Tejas to Nigeria but Nigeria refused to take arms from India and sent a message to India that its planes and helicopters. Very rude and our pilots lives are more valuable to us than your weapons and that's why we can't buy your 3rd class weapons.


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tejas mk1a
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Nigeria Reject tejas
Nigeria Reject hal prachand
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Nigerian air force reject lca tejas
Nigerian air force reject hal prachand
lca tejas updates, tejas mk1a updates
tejas mk2 updates, hal amca updates
tejas vs jf-17 thunder, tejas mk1a vs jf-17
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