Ju-no-Kata (English ver.)

Описание к видео Ju-no-Kata (English ver.)

Ju-no-Kata is a dynamic, expressive and gymnastic composition of attack and defense methods in a series of slow and moderate actions. It consists of 15 techniques, divided into 3sets of 5 techniques.
Ju-no-Kata has the following features:
1. Ju-no-Kata can be freely exercised and practiced anytime and anywhere in whatever types of clothes.
2. Ju-no-Kata enables every man and woman of any age to enjoy learning the logics and principles of Judo.
3. Since Ju-no-Kata is exercised in slow and moderate actions for attack and defense, it facilitates accurate and easy understanding of its reasoning anad legitimacy.
4. Since Ju-no-Kata incorporates a variety of extensor muscle exercises or leaning back moves, it can be combined with Randori so as to foster effective and healthy development of the body physique.
5. Ju-no-Kata enhances the cultivation of aesthetic sentiments by acquiring its natural Tai-sabaki and smooth motion shifts and switches.


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