Nonlinear Time and the Nature of Hallucinations | 2 grams Penis Envy Mushroom Trip Report

Описание к видео Nonlinear Time and the Nature of Hallucinations | 2 grams Penis Envy Mushroom Trip Report

I took a little over 2 grams of psilocybin mushrooms (PE) and had my first psychedelic trip in almost 2 years.

One of the first things I was captured by was my change in time perception. There was noticeable time dilation, but more importantly was the shift in perspective of time of which I can only describe as a sort of “stepping out” of time. Time becomes visual, tracers illustrate the progression of time, and time becomes space. By this I mean time has the spatial quality of all existing “at once.” I felt I was in the begging stages of transcending time (with a higher dose I may have)

The next thing to capture my attention was an observation of my hallucinations. A psychedelic geometry was building up before my open eyes, and a similar psychedelic realm could be seen with eyes closed. I noticed I could also sort of snap out of it and see things “as they are” which really got me thinking about the nature of hallucinations themselves.

One last notable theme throughout my trip was that of human behavior and game playing. My behavior and thought patterns slowly started breaking down and I became less controlled by my social conditioning. Psychedelics have many times provided me with an interesting perspective from which to observe and ponder human behavior and game playing. I’m writing this now back in the “game mode” consciousness state so it’s difficult to fully describe.


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