How is Europe manufacturing the ITER Toroidal Field coils?

Описание к видео How is Europe manufacturing the ITER Toroidal Field coils?

The ITER burning plasma is expected to reach 150 million °C. How are we going to confine it?
18 powerful superconducting magnets, known as Toroidal Field coils, will be powered with 68 000 A to generate a magnetic field of 11.8 Tesla (approximately 1 million times stronger the magnetic fields of the Earth!). In this “cage” we will entrap the energy of a small sun.
Europe will manufacture ten of the TF coils and Japan will produce eight plus one spare. They will be the biggest Niobium-tin (Nb3Sn) magnets ever produced. More than 600 people from 26 companies have collaborated with F4E, managing the European contribution to ITER, to produce the ten TF coils.


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