Thrift With Me for The Last Time in 2023!

Описание к видео Thrift With Me for The Last Time in 2023!

#thrifting #thriftwithme

Dear thrifters,

I went thrift shopping with my mom today at a very crowded thrift store. There was stacks of interesting dishes to go through where we found a few things to bring home. There was also so much clothing to sift through that it was almost hard to look! I was able to find some interesting vintage pieces and do a try on in the dimly lit tiny change room. I ended up buying some things that I show you at the end of the video. To be honest....I regret leaving a few things behind and realized that I didn't try on that purple boho shirt and that wool poncho!!! I might go back to this thrift store and get the few things that I keep thinking about. What should we call that longing for items you left behind at the thrift store? Thrift longing??? Anyways I had fun regardless of being overwhelmed, and I also realized I didn't show you what my mom ended up getting! She ended up getting these really pretty vintage glass pudding/dessert dishes. She plans on serving some jello in them I think. Ok well I think this is getting long and I can't wait to see you guys next time!

-Nicole :)


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