How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lownes (animated book summary) - Part 2

Описание к видео How to Talk to Anyone by Leil Lownes (animated book summary) - Part 2

As I said in my previous video, communication skills are a necessity in today's society and are something everyone should learn. After all, 85 percent of one's success in life is directly due to communication skills.

Connecting with other people brings infinite rewards. Whether it's landing the job, winning the promotion or charming a new partner, other people are your greatest resource.

In this video I'll be sharing another five techniques from the book "How to talk to anyone". Let's begin and take your conversation to the next level.

1. Match their mood
2. Present mundane with passion
3. Become a modern day Renaissance man
4. Always have something interesting to say
5. Never the naked thank you


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