DSI Pro 2 vs Sequential Pro 3 (digital vs anlalog oscillators)

Описание к видео DSI Pro 2 vs Sequential Pro 3 (digital vs anlalog oscillators)

The Dave Smith Instruments Pro 2 is a very versatile synth and it was produced between 2014 and 2019. The successor is the Sequential Pro 3 established in 2020.
While the Pro 2 has 4 digital Oscillators with various waveforms, AM and FM plus a Suboscillator, the Pro 3 has 2 analog VCO plus one digital Oscillator with various waveforms.
The second big difference is the filter section. The Pro 2 has a Prophet style analog filter and a Oberheim SEM like 12/24 dB and BP state variable Filter. Both Filters can be merged parallel or serial and routed to the 4 Oscillators in different ways. The Pro 3 has three filter types. There is not only the Prophet style Filter from the Prophet 6 and state variable Filter from the OB-6, there is also a ladder Moog like 24 dB Filter. Unfortunately you only can use one filter at once and not parallel or serial. There are also some further differences like a more sophisticated connectivity on the Pro 2, a better sequencer on the Pro 3 and a different effect section. I also would like to mention the character section for the Oscillators on the Pro 2 called girth and air which produces a variety of sound characteristics on the oscillators.
In my video I try to demonstrate that you can get the Pro 2 digital Oscillators sound like analog VCO, for example with slope and some modulation with a LFO. The Pro 3 has 4 LFO and 3 envelopes. Its a very capable mono synth and I think its a better package for more versatility. I prefer it over the Pro 3, so I sold the Pro 3 and I kept the Pro 2.Thanks for watching and I hope I could help you with you decision. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the comment box.


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