Spring Boot Many to Many Tutorial with Thymeleaf, Bootstrap and MySQL

Описание к видео Spring Boot Many to Many Tutorial with Thymeleaf, Bootstrap and MySQL

Learn in-depth about many to many entity relationship implementation in Java Spring Boot based on Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, Thymeleaf, Bootstrap and MySQL Database.

In details, you will learn:
- Understand how @ManyToMany works and implemented in Spring Data JPA & Hibernate
- Design & Implement many-to-many entity relationships with various use cases
- Code a Spring Boot web application for managing many-to-many relationship between users and roles, with CRUD functions
- Understand Hibernate's cascade type and fetch type in a many to many association
- Understand how to implement typical many to many relationships: users and roles, products and customers (shopping cart), orders and products (order purchase), questions and customers (question voting)...


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