How to extract data from multiple NetCDF files in one Python script

Описание к видео How to extract data from multiple NetCDF files in one Python script

In this video, I will show you how retrieve data from multiple NetCDF files and combine them into a pandas dataframe that you can save to a CSV or XLSX file. You will also learn how to loop through a THREDDS data server.

00:00 Introduction
01:14 OPeNDAP
03:31 Looping through a THREDDS data server
08:09 Combing the data into a pandas dataframe
14:55 One column per depth profile

How to cite this video
If you think this course contributed to the work you are doing, consider citing it in your list of references. Here is a recommended citation:

Marsden, L. (2024, April 19). NetCDF in Python - from beginner to pro. Zenodo.

All videos in this course:
01:    • How to open a NetCDF file  
02:    • How to plot data from a NetCDF file  
03:    • How to write data from a NetCDF file ...  
04:    • How to create a NetCDF file & CF and ...  
05:    • How to structure a data collection of...  
06:    • How batch create NetCDF files in Python  
07:    • How to extract data from multiple Net...  

The code
This tutorial series is accompanied by a Jupyter Book with code, explanations and more examples. You can find the relevant section here:

Useful links
SIOS data access portal:

Data used in this video
Nansen Legacy CTD data at the SIOS data access portal:
Nansen Legacy CTD data at the Norwegian Marine Data Centre:
One profile -
Whole cruise -
THREDDS data server for Nansen Legacy CTD data:

If you use these data, please cite them properly. This is the recommended citation for the whole cruise:
Elisabeth Jones (2022) CTD data from Nansen Legacy Cruise - Joint cruise 2-1


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