Guru Kripalur Mam Sharanam | Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Radha Kunj

Описание к видео Guru Kripalur Mam Sharanam | Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj | Radha Kunj

Kirtan: Guruh Kripalur Mam Sharanam
Lyrics: Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj
Book: Braj Ras Madhuri (Part 1, Pg. 29 (Hindi))
Websites: |
Lead Vocals: Sowmya Venkatasubramanian

Guruh kripalur mama sharanam, Vandeham sadguru charanam,
(My bonafide guru Shri Kripalu Mahaprabhu is my ultimate shelter. I bow down to his lotus feet with full respect.)

Mangalmapi mangala karanam, Vandeham sadguru charanam.
(I bow down to the lotus feet of my Gurudev which are auspicious to the auspiciousness itself.)

Maya moha jala haranam. Vandeham sadguru charanam.
(I bow down to the lotus feet of my guru since the grace of guru alone can save me from the trap of Maya.)

Kripaya pancha kosh jaranam, Vandeham sadguru charanam.
(The impact of five mental sheeth vanishes away only by the grace of guru's holy feet. Hence I bow down to the lotus feet of my guru.)

Yogkchhema vahana karanam. Vandeham sadguru charanam.
(A real Guru assumes the total responsibility of the surrendered soul. Hence I bow down to the lotus feet of my guru.)

Asharana sharanam guru charanam,Vandeham sadguru charanam.
(The lotus feet of guru is the only shelter for those who do not have any other shelter.)

Radha Krishna prem bharanam. Vandeham sadguru charanam.
(My beloved Guru infuses the love of Radha-Krishna in our hearts. Hence I bow down to the lotus feet of my guru.)

Prema yachate nahi taranam, Vandeham sadguru charanam.
(I bow down to the lotus feet of my guru. for I seek divine love, not liberation.)

Triguna tritapa papa haranam. Vandeham sadguru charanam.
(My guru eliminates the three Kinds of material sufferings caused by our sins. Hence I bow down to the lotus feet of my guru.)

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