Friday Night Funkin Soft Mod | A Special Present | Comic

Описание к видео Friday Night Funkin Soft Mod | A Special Present | Comic


Out of all the mods in Friday Night Funkin. The Soft Mod made by Tamacoochi has got to be my favorite. And Pico being so supportive towards Soft BF (AKA Benjamin Fairest) and helping him through his trauma and to live his dreams of being a painter is just amazing. It really does have a good message about how you shouldn't let people control your lives and how you cope with trauma, your self-worth. Ect. I also love how the mod even addresses that both the actual game and the mod have the right to exist. Evident by the Rap Battle between Benjamin and the OG Boyfriend.

And here is a misconception people seem to keep thinking. Guys. Softy/Benji. DOESN'T HATE BF! The point of the final battle was to show BOTH have the right to exist! Whether it is fan-made or the original. And it's made CLEAR Benji doesn't hate BF.

I highly recommend giving this mod a try if you want a story-focused mod or something to help you get through hard events in your life. I warn you though, there are dark themes hinted through the mod. But give it a chance if you can handle it.

I hope you Glitchies enjoy this little comic I made. I feel it speaks for itself. It's probably not THAT compelling but I hope it at least brightens someone's day.

(Finally drew sumthin other than skeletons. YES!)
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#FridayNightFunkin #SoftMod #PicoXBF


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