M is For the Million Things (By Big D)

Описание к видео M is For the Million Things (By Big D)

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

This video was made to be shared. Enjoy this special day!

"Million Things" was written by Howard Johnson, here are all the lyrics:

I've been around the world, you bet, but never went to school
Hard knocks are all I seem to get, perhaps I've been a fool;
But still, some educated folks, supposed to be so swell,
Would fail if they were called upon a simple word to spell.
Now if you'd like to put me to the test,
There's one dear name that I can spell the best!
"M" is for the million things she gave me
"O" means only that she's growing old
"T" is for the tears she shed to save me
"H" is for her heart of purest gold
"E" is for her eyes with love-light shining
"R" means right and right she'll always be
Put them all together they spell MOTHER,
a word that means the world to me.
When I was but a baby, long before I learned to walk,
While lying in my cradle, I would try my best to talk;
It wasn't long before I spoke and all the neighbors heard,
My folks were very proud of me for "Mother" was the word.
Although I'll never lay a claim to fame,
I'm satisfied that I can spell the name:
"M" is for the mercy she possesses
"O" means that I owe her all I own
"T" is for her tender, sweet caresses
"H" is for her hands that made a home
"E" means ev'rything she's done to help me
"R" means real and regular, you see
Put them all together they spell MOTHER,
a word that means the world to me.

For more from Big D, go to bigdblues.com


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