Building In Ghana: How I Concealed The Manhole/Septic Tank_What I Wanted Vs What I Got

Описание к видео Building In Ghana: How I Concealed The Manhole/Septic Tank_What I Wanted Vs What I Got

Septic tanks, commonly known as manholes in Ghana, are a crucial part of any property’s infrastructure. However, they can be quite the eyesore, protruding awkwardly and disrupting the aesthetics of your surroundings. Not to mention, they can pose safety hazards. Dealing with a manhole, can be quite a challenge in Ghana. But what if there was a way to blend functionality with beauty? I faced this issue head-on and came up with a solution that blends functionality with aesthetics.To tackle the problem, we designed a clever and practical cover that not only hides the manhole but also enhances the overall look of my property. I got the idea from Pinterest. This design makes it hard to detect the septic tank, ensuring it doesn’t disrupt the visual harmony of my space. By integrating it seamlessly into the surroundings, we managed to turn a potential hazard into an appealing feature of the house.

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