Successful work team : giving gas and electricity by mother. Hamza going to the city

Описание к видео Successful work team : giving gas and electricity by mother. Hamza going to the city

In this video, a beautiful image of family solidarity and interaction is depicted. When Hamza and her mother meet about household issues such as gas and electricity, the mother does these things with compassion and sincerity and asks Fatima to participate in household chores. Hamzah and Fatemeh then work together to finish installing the fireplace pipe and window plastic, showing strong family solidarity and cooperation between them. Calling Zainab and seeing her happiness and comfort with her father shows the importance of family communication and care. Finally, by eating lunch and sitting at a warm and friendly table, Fatemeh escorts Hamza to the city with love and attention, it shows the love and respect that exists in the family and among its members. This video shows the beauty and warmth of the family and values ​​such as solidarity, cooperation, consideration and love, which are very valuable and important in everyday life.

#loving family#family_cooperation_and_cooperation #Communication_and_attention_in_the_family #comfort_and_happiness_of_the_family #love_and_respect_in_the_family #in_love_with_love# Kind man


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