Pursuit Pro Wrestling feature - PRO WRESTLING TRAINING VLOG #8

Описание к видео Pursuit Pro Wrestling feature - PRO WRESTLING TRAINING VLOG #8

In this training vlog, I visited the most popular pro wrestling company and school in the North.

I attended a development session and worked on a few things that I wanted to improve and refine. It was also a great chance to do a training class at another school, meet new trainers, trainees and show-ready folks, and build positive working relationships with folks who I may work with soon.

It was a brilliant day and I'd love to head back that way again as soon as I can.

My socials: 👇
IG: mr_steven_phillips_esq.pw
TikTok: mrstevenphillipsesq.pw
Facebook: Mr Steven Phillips Esq

PPW socials: 👇
Website: pursuitprowrestling.com
IG: pursuitprowrestling
Facebook: Pursuit Pro Wrestling
X: @PursuitProWres
YouTube: @PursuitProWrestling
TikTok: pursuitprowrestling

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