Mona Pizza's Song - History Behind Super Smash Bros. Brawl Music

Описание к видео Mona Pizza's Song - History Behind Super Smash Bros. Brawl Music


Shows where the Mona Pizza's Song track comes from. Since video from the original game had to be captured in an unorthodox way, I decided to show how I did it after the primary Brawl music history section.

720p is available for this video, but is only needed if you want to watch how I captured the video in greater resolution. So 480p or 360p (or even 240p if you want to go that low) is fine for the main part of the video. You can switch over to 720p afterward. (My new video camera can also record in 1080p, but I figure that 720p is good enough for this.)

Index of the video:

Intro cinematic to Mona's microgames - 0:00
Start of the original Mona Pizza's Song - 2:09
Brawl Arrangement - 3:58
Name explanation - 5:55
How I captured the original game - 6:28

Concerning the last part of the video, I basically re-enacted what I did when I encountered the problem of capturing video from WarioWare: Twisted!. WarioWare: Twisted! cannot be emulated because the game uses a built-in gyro sensor in the cartridge. So recording an .avi from an emulator is out. And obviously pointing a camera a MOVING handheld system is no good. (Not to mention the quality would be beyond crap.)

That leaves capturing the game using the Game Boy Player via a Gamecube. But that would mean the Gamecube would have to be held and rotated like a handheld system to make the gyro sensor work properly... Not to mention it says this game is not compatible with the Game Boy Player in the WarioWare: Twisted! manual. ... Or is it?

Also, sorry for the screen going out of focus at times during that part. My camera had a hard time dealing with the varying brightness and colors on my television while every other part stayed the same.

Note: I don't recommend playing WarioWare: Twisted! this way. If possible, I would recommend playing on a handheld system. The main reason being is that a person would have to have a lot of slack in the A/V cables and power cable to play the game as I did, not to mention having to sit close to where the Gamecube is located. This explains why I had to sit so close to my TV.


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