Terra Invicta Initiative Victory Ending Scene (Spoiler Obviously!)

Описание к видео Terra Invicta Initiative Victory Ending Scene (Spoiler Obviously!)

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TL;DR: The Initiative developed the neopherocyte based on the Hydra pherocyte and used it to both control the alien empire and "optimize" their rule of human society. While it's the ending where humanity achieves the biggest victory against the Hydras, it's also one of the more Dystopian and bone-chilling ending, on par with the Servant one in my opinion.

Final Objective Text:

We have assembled all we need to execute a hostile takeover, not only of the Hydra invasion force, but of the Hydra empire itself. The wormhole is the key. Deploy our infiltration team to the Hydra wormhole base, send them through to the Hydra homeworld, and complete our conquest.

Ending Text:

I am pleased to report that the operation has been an unqualified success. Our infiltration team was deployed to the wormhole without significant incident; losses to our fleet were acceptable. Once through the wormhole, they were quickly able to subvert the Hydras occupying the base built around the wormhole's other end, and found more gates nearby. After multiple hops between alien stations, they found the Hydra home system. According to the reports we have received, the bulk of the Hydra population is concentrated in orbital habs around the (currently uninhabitable) Hydra homeworld; this allowed our neopherocytes to quickly spread through Hydra society.

By our current estimates, approximately 70 percent of the original Hydra (pre-invasion) population is currently under our control. Another 25 percent were unfortunately lost when it became necessary to eliminate several orbital habs that had closed themselves off to neopherocyte inflow. Our R&D department assures us that the Hydra population has more than sufficient genetic diversity to absorb these losses. The remaining 5 percent of holdouts are resisting for now, but are cut off from their base of support and infrastructure and are not anticipated to be a major threat. The Hydra military and administrative facilities are under our control; we effectively rule the Hydra home system of Delta Pavonis, and through it, their interstellar empire.

Now that the Hydras have been dealt with, this only leaves the issue of other human factions, and I am happy to report that plans for resolving this are well under way. Neopherocyte deployment will allow us to rapidly compromise known enemy agents, which will in turn allow us to spread our influence further. We anticipate that we should have effective control over Earth within a matter of months, with up to a year budgeted for tracking down recalcitrants. As previously discussed, our current projections indicate that the Academy, Resistance, and Servant factions will have to be eliminated entirely.

Looking forward, this Council believes that the era of nation-states is over. Most national governments upon Earth have by this point been toppled or reduced to puppets, and those that have survived the chaos of the invasion and our own neopherocyte sweep are likely to dwindle further into insignificance. Our analysts believe (correctly, in my view) that there is no reason to eliminate remaining governmental organizations. We see no reason not to pay lip service to their claims of authority; any presidents or other leaders who attempt to press those claims upon us will have the realities of the situation quietly explained to them.

Our neopherocytes combined with our command of the wormhole and of Hydra society gives us an unprecedented level of influence over human affairs, and we are already drawing up plans to make use of this in a new "Society 2.0." Neopherocytes will enable us to optimize workers for industries and market sectors that have traditionally been seen as undesirable or low-status; our new working class will be far more productive and happier in their station. Promising individuals can then be selected on a meritocratic basis and promoted to the administrative class, where they will be free to focus on higher-level matters. Of course, some amount of crime and social disorder is a permanent feature of human society, so we feel it is more realistic to confine such behavior to designated areas rather than attempt to eliminate it entirely. Such non-corporate, "free zones" should act as a useful incentive to encourage the populace to take up employment in our organizations. We anticipate that surviving members of the other factions may linger for some time as resistance movements or terrorist groups, but so long as they are confined to Earth, this should not pose a serious threat to our new, more advanced and productive society.

The future is bright, both for this Council, and for humanity as a whole.


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