Colombo: ROCKER 83 - 80s Distortion (Heading to Boston..?)

Описание к видео Colombo: ROCKER 83 - 80s Distortion (Heading to Boston..?)
I own a mint Rockman X100. I only bought it a year or so ago because I wanted a reminder of the device that I used to record a lot of records back in the 80s. I was one of thousands, probably. Def Leppard, ZZ Top, KISS, David Gilmour, Jeff Beck... Lots of people ran a Rockman for a while back then. And many of them have fond memories of those days and those tones. There are now a couple of pedals on the market that aim to emulate the distortion character of the Rockman and the SR&D Distortion Generator; some more elaborate than others. Luca Colombo's contribution is straight up rocking - which is why I love it. Three knobs and two levels of gain - Edge and Distortion. It has the right crunch and the right snarl to put you back in the DMC DeLorean days, that's for sure. More magic from the man in Milan. Check it out.


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