Reflecting Inventory Changes With ERP Software

Описание к видео Reflecting Inventory Changes With ERP Software

Inventory shifts may occur from manufacturer changes and recalls, damaged stock, or even from a change in your own business offerings. Whether temporary or permanent, these changes must be reflected in your inventory list to prevent errors in ordering and processing. Your ERP software should offer you the insight and control necessary to track, monitor and plan around every inventory change or adjustment.

SMB Suite's Wholesale & Distribution Foundation allows you to mark certain inventory items (or product lines, categories or brands) as invisible to prevent selling. When items need to be inspected and/or replaced before you sell them, they are marked "Inactive." The system prevents the sale of any item marked as such, and reports are customizable so these defective or unsellable items are excluded. Inventory management is accurate because it reflects these changes in real time.

Learn more about how SMB Suite's Wholesale & Distribution Package allows you to easily update your inventory to reflect changes in your offerings. Visit SMB Suite online at or call 1.888.525.6398.


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