e-Annual Symposium 2020: Key Note & Session 1- protein's role in a healthy and sustainable diet

Описание к видео e-Annual Symposium 2020: Key Note & Session 1- protein's role in a healthy and sustainable diet

The following scientific session occurred during the ILSI Europe e-Annual Symposium that took place on 6 October 2020.
Key Note Speech "FOOD 2030 Research and innovation for tomorrow's nutrition and food systems". By Dr Karen Fabbri, Deputy Head of Unit Bioeconomy & Food Systems. DG Research & Innovation, Healthy Planet Directorate, European Commission.
Session 1 - The role of proteins in a healthy and sustainable diet.
Speakers and talks:
- "Shift towards plant-based diets: can optimum protein intake be maintained in all age groups?" By Prof Daniel Tomé. AgroParisTech, France
- The digestome of novel proteins: what is IT telling us?. By Dr Chiara Nitride University of Naples "Federico II“, Italy
- Presentation of the New ConSumEr SustainablE FooD ChoiceS (SEEDS) Task Force, by Dr Matthieu Flourakis, ILSI Europe, Belgium.


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