35 Literature Review in NVivo 12 Windows

Описание к видео 35 Literature Review in NVivo 12 Windows

0:00 - Introduction

0:05 - Overview of the Process

0:05 - Introduction to the Process
0:07 - Importing Literature
0:16 - Classifying Sources
0:29 - Coding and Annotating
0:34 - Querying Results
0:44 - Creating Externals
0:50 - Managing References with EndNote

0:50 - Introduction to EndNote
1:05 - Exporting XML File from EndNote
1:54 - Steps to Export from EndNote
2:47 - Importing XML File to NVivo

2:47 - Importing into NVivo
3:06 - Browsing and Selecting the File
3:30 - Using the Training Project for Exercises
4:02 - Reference Classification in NVivo

4:02 - Automatic Reference Classification
4:14 - Manually Assigning Reference Classification
4:39 - Handling Missing PDFs
5:22 - Working with Externals in NVivo

5:22 - Handling External References
5:43 - Using Memos for Abstracts
6:14 - Importance of Quality Information
6:22 - Classifying Sources

6:22 - Automatically Generated Classification Sheets
6:56 - Reviewing and Editing Classifications
7:12 - Detailed View of Classification

7:12 - Viewing Classification Attributes
7:52 - Consistency in Manually Added Literature
8:41 - Coding and Annotating Literature

8:41 - Overview of Coding and Annotating
9:02 - Creating Nodes for Literature Review
9:59 - Examples of Coding Categories
11:01 - Developing Themes and Sub-Themes

11:01 - Creating Sub-Themes
11:42 - Extending Literature Review Nodes
12:16 - Capturing Quotations

12:16 - Creating NVivo Codes
12:37 - Capturing Key Quotations
13:01 - Practical Exercises

13:01 - Demonstrating Training MVP Exercises
13:19 - Auto-Coding Documents
14:09 - Using Matrix Features

14:09 - Matrix Features for Literature Review
14:28 - Auto-Summarizing with Framework Matrices
14:43 - Additional Video Resources
14:52 - Advanced Classification Sheets

14:52 - Next Session Preview
15:14 - Importance of Cases in NVivo
15:20 - Creating Framework Matrices

15:20 - Comparative Summaries of Articles
15:38 - Balancing Automatic and Manual Analysis
16:12 - Recommended Video Clips

16:12 - Short Videos on Framework Matrices
17:00 - Node Matrices and Additional Resources
18:04 - Coding Structure for Literature Review

18:04 - Organizing Literature Files
18:32 - Linking Node Structure to Review Methodology
19:02 - Developing Systematic Review Process

19:02 - Creating Classification Sheets for Stages
19:23 - Keeping the Process Simple
20:02 - Using Queries and Charts

20:02 - Running Word Frequency Queries
20:28 - Exploring Various Matrices and Charts
20:54 - Using Memos Effectively

20:54 - Linking Memos to Documents
21:23 - Recommended Tools and Installations
22:29 - Workshop Exercises

22:29 - Overview of Workshop Exercises
23:08 - Demonstration and Practice
24:01 - Connecting Node Structure to Methodology

24:01 - Exploring Training Project File
24:39 - Importing Literature from EndNote
25:32 - Practicing Coding and Creating Framework Matrix

25:32 - Using Provided Node System
25:58 - Practicing Auto-Coding and Queries
26:08 - Conclusion

26:08 - Next Steps and Additional Support
26:17 - End of Video


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