MH Rise Sunbreak Lv. 300 Risen Shagaru Magala (Chargeblade) - 7'25 (TA Wiki) PS5

Описание к видео MH Rise Sunbreak Lv. 300 Risen Shagaru Magala (Chargeblade) - 7'25 (TA Wiki) PS5

I'm not gonna sugar coat it, I'm shit at this weapon. after 50 or 60 hours of runs, this is the fifth one i was able to finish. all of them went past 8 minutes so this one was a shock to me. the run is still not good. don't even get me started on 3:54 - 4:10. so many runs destroyed by him doing nothing but swipes, charges, triple claw slams and bozo frenzy cones for 20 to 30 seconds straight. Shargaru shows no mercy even to moves your even able to punish as he can just take more a third of your health away by doing a small hit or fucking up all your positioning by doing a move you wanna actually punish after you already let off an SAED. This is by far my hardest weapon matchup i've done in a long time. so many things can go wrong and i respect anyone who decided to speedrun this at the highest level with this weapon. that's enough coping for today. thanks to anyone who got to join the streams! have a good night

Run Song: Karma Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion Music Extended

Outro song: Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Jubilife Village Vibes by GlitchxCity
Video:    • Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Jubilife Vi...  


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