Loving guardian: a story of a grandfather who strives for a better life for Zahra and his daughters.

Описание к видео Loving guardian: a story of a grandfather who strives for a better life for Zahra and his daughters.

This kind old man named Ali, with eyes full of experience and a heart full of kindness, has become famous as a grandfather and mentor to Zahra and her daughters in his mountain farm. Having great love and affection for his family, Ali has always tried to make their lives easier. With his knowledge and experience, he has constantly tried to accompany Zahra and his daughters in facing the challenges of life and guide them in the right direction.

Ali, with his amazing literacy and knowledge, has taught Zahra and her children about rural and agricultural life and closely helped them in doing their daily tasks. Also, with his support and guidance, he introduced Zohra and her daughters to the way of farm and agriculture management and motivated them to put their efforts in improving the family's living conditions and build the best future for themselves. So that with their presence and support, they have always prevented the hardships of their lives and their daily worries in one way or another.
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