Craigieburn Secondary College 4Cs 2023

Описание к видео Craigieburn Secondary College 4Cs 2023

We do not own the rights to the songs and music used in this video.
We acknowledge all artists and choreographers for their creative pieces that you may see throughout our performance.

Super proud of our college community at Craigieburn Secondary with the support and love shown for our performers and backstage crew. A big thank you to Latini Matautia Ulugia, the crew, and the team at Le Mana for allowing this opportunity for us to get involved.
Special shoutout to the college principal team for their support in this project and to all our staff for their endless positivity and encouragement for our students. Thank you, teachers, for opening up your spaces and sacrificing your precious time to supervise and help our 4Cs crew out!
We acknowledge our families, and parents for their tireless support in allowing our students to participate and embrace this opportunity to display their creativity in cultural arts and expression.
To our 2023 4Cs crew, we are very proud of you all!
Lua pati ma le C S C!

Video Credits: Angie and Mrs Shanaz


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