Philicorda repair: Footpedal

Описание к видео Philicorda repair: Footpedal

Het zwelpedaal vd Philicorda is nogal 's stuk. Meestal het lampje, maar ook de draadjes in de DIN plug kunnen gebroken zijn. Meestal door bij het eruit halen vd DIN plug aan het draad te trekken ipv aan de plug zelf.

Instructie voor reparatie.

Instruction for repair:

Repair of the volume foot pedal of the Philicorda. Most of the time the incandescent lamp is broken. It is a 6V3 bulb without fitting, just 2 wires coming out. Since 6V3 is hard to get by, 6V lamps will do as well. Connect the pedal, if you do not see any light (seen from the bottom plate through the holes) the lamp is probably broken. Open it up and check the lamp either with a magnifying glass, or with a multi-meter. Replace it if broken. The 2nd most fault is the wiring in the DIN plug. When disconnecting the plug while pulling the wires instead of the plug itself it will break finally. Open up the DIN plug and check the wiring.


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