Hours Away From Surrendering To Federal Prison

Описание к видео Hours Away From Surrendering To Federal Prison

Hours Before Surrendering To Federal Prison...What Will You Be Thinking About? Justin Paperny interviews Shad Huston hours before his surrender to Yankton Federal Prison Camp. Visit www.federalprisonadvice.com now for a free copy of Lessons from Prison. Questions? Call or text Justin at 818-424-2220.

Justin Paperny: Hi. This is Justin Paperny with White Collar Advice. So, I’m pleased to welcome my friend Chad Houston. Chad is going to be surrendering to Yankton federal prison camp tomorrow to begin a 41 month sentence. And, surrendering to prison is tough. It comes with a number of complexities and Chad I’m serious nervous to be going in, but he's prepared. He's put in the time and I so admire him for talking about what these last few hours are like before going to federal prison. So Chad, welcome. Give us a little bit of your background, your history and how you're feeling knowing that you'll be crossing over into prison boundaries in the coming hours?
Chad Houston: Well, unfortunately I never planned on knowing this much about the federal prison system and the legal justice system, but I got myself in this problem. I pled guilty to three different felonies. One was structuring payments, one was bribery, and one was false invoicing. I was actually set to be sentenced to March of 18th of 2015, and we got there for the sentence hearing and at that point the judge basically said I’m throwing everything out; we’re starting all over again. And at that point I was pretty well capped out. I mean, it was very expensive to get to that point and all I could afford- I couldn’t afford anything. So, my attorney was going to stay on with me and see me through it. The prosecution took couple of shots at my attorney to get him removed for a conflict of interest. He got removed as my attorney. They were successful after a couple of times, and at that point I had to go to the public defender and basically start all over. That happened in May, and from May up until January, right at the end of January is when I pled out.
Justin Paperny: So, the timeline matters and because these white collar crime cases you know take so long to pled out and the stress of it, many defendants like extensions because it delays the inevitable, or we think that the delays could help us in sentencing and at times they can depending on how proactive the defendant is. But, in time eventually you just say I just want to get this beyond. I want to get sentenced. I want to move on to the next phase, because as I often said this is the hardest part. I mean, you are going to be in prison in the next 18 hours and what you’re enduring the day before will be tougher than that first day, as crazy as it seems. Quickly, were you- I understand you pled guilty, you accepted responsibility, you didn’t blame anybody but yourself, but did you still feel a sense of vengeance or frustration when the US attorney was pushing to have a lawyer that you had paid hundreds of thousands of dollars removed, and you essentially had to start over with a public defender?

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