Pizza Tower: S rank earlytestbuild (Demo 0)

Описание к видео Pizza Tower: S rank earlytestbuild (Demo 0)

after looking around for a bit, I stumbled upon reshares of older Pizza Tower demos that we no longer have access to, so I'll be S-ranking those as well.

This one is earlytestbuild, also known as Demo 0. It's the earliest playable version avaible and as told in the intro, it was only a test to show how the game would work and not much more, hence the barebones content, stock sound effects and borrowed wario land sound effects.

Also the controls in it are complete garbage compared to what they are now so I apologize for being goofy in the level.

Link to this demo:

Credits to Pizza Tower Guy for making this and Itchpedrio24 for resharing it


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