Orachupu Chuchedi Nyayama - Sikkil Gurucharan - Cleveland

Описание к видео Orachupu Chuchedi Nyayama - Sikkil Gurucharan - Cleveland

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Orajupu Chuchedi Nyayama - Cleveland Aradhana 2008
Sikkil Sri Gurucharan
Nagai Sri Sriram - Violin
Neyveli Sri Skandasubramaniam - Mridgangam

Composer: Tyaagaraaja
Language: Telugu


OrajUpu chUcEdi nyAyamA O ragUttamA nIvaNTi vAniki


nirajAkSa manu nI dAsulaku nI kETi vAvulu delpavE


mAna mincukaina nIku tOcalEka pO-yina vaina mEmi puNya rUpamA
dIna rakSaka shrta mAnava san-tAna gAnalOla tyAgarAjanuta

I am perturbed by your strange indirect sneering glance at me, Lord! Why this unwarranted disregard which ill-fits a Saviour of your eminence? O Chief among the Raghus! O Lotus eyed! Please enlighten me on the relationship which existed formerly between you and your devotees so that you can judge for yourself if you have been acting consistently. Are you not bound by a sense of honour and responsibility for those who rely on you solely? You are the personification of all spiritual merits. You are the only hope of the helpless and the destitute. O Refuge of the mankind! Oh lover of music!


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