Kato N scale ESU LokSound install proof of life videos 08142022

Описание к видео Kato N scale ESU LokSound install proof of life videos 08142022

Continuing with my series of poorly shot, horribly narrated and terribly edited videos, we have another proof of life video plus some hot action clips of a Kato N scale C30-7 being converted to LokSound and and overview at the end!

First up, Kato N scale 'mid' SD40-2 that came in for repair. This was a custom painted unit that's seen better days. I was able to use parts from two trucks to make one good one, then used one new truck for the other. The unit then had the frame machined to accept a 15x8 speaker and 3d printed housing. An ESU V5 58741 board had 3.5mm LED's soldered in for the front and rear lights and was programmed to sound file S0508. Lighting was function mapped to those LED's. Unit cleaned, lubricated and tested.

Next is a Kato N PA1 that came in for repair. The speaker was blown, so that was replaced with a new 11x17 speaker and housing. An updated sound file (ESU select 75839) was loaded. While it was in, I modified the light board and separated out the headlight and mars light using SMLED's from scrap PCB's and heat shrunk in place. Cleaned, lubricated and tested.

Continuing on is a Kato N scale C30-7. This is one of the DCC friendly versions made maybe 8 years ago. The unit was dismantled, frame machined for space for a 15x8 speaker in the rear. LED's soldered to an ESU V5 58741 board. mechanism reassembled after being cleaned and lubricated. ESU S0545 sound file installed, lighting function mapped. Front and ear light pipes modified parts showing bleed-through received some silver paint and black paint. Test. There is video explaining this at the end of the video where I briefly go over it with the shell off.

Finally is a Kato N scale SDP40F. Model was dismantled and space for an ESU 11x17 speaker and housing machined. This one received an ESU 58741 'Kato USA' V5 sound decoder. ESU V5 Sound file S0765 loaded, direction addressed, test, good.

Have questions or need YOUR Kato N scale C30-7, SDP40F or SD40-2 converted to ESU LokSound? Feel free to shoot me a message or email for an available list of services, pricing, and terms.

[email protected]

If you've made it this far, thank you so much for watching! Hopefully you learned something...if not, hopefully you were at least mildly entertained.


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