Chest congestion-blackheads, whiteheads, ingrown hairs. Multiple plugs extracted, patient left happy

Описание к видео Chest congestion-blackheads, whiteheads, ingrown hairs. Multiple plugs extracted, patient left happy

Help support my channel and keep your skin looking young and fresh with ISDIN sunblocks. It is more than a sunblock, its a repair topical application that also protects. In my opinion the smoothest zinc oxide 100% mineral 50SPF sunblock on the market. Promo code: MRPOPZIT15 at check out for 15% off everything on their site!

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Torso acne in males is actually very common. Some people that trim or shave hairs on the body are more prone to ingrown hairs that can lead to inflammation that can scar. Clearing the pores, not trimming the hairs so close, and getting put on a treatment protocol, that reduces inflammation, oil production, and lowers bacterial growth is crucial to minimizing scarring and inflammation. Thanks to my patient for sharing his procedure! #dermatology #education #medical #physicianassistant #skincare #physicianassociate #extraction #acne #blackheads #pimplepopping


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