Using Line Charts to Find a Forex Scalp Trade (4:1 RR)

Описание к видео Using Line Charts to Find a Forex Scalp Trade (4:1 RR)

Last week, I posted a video showing how to use line charts as a technique for mastering forex support and resistance levels.

This week, I’ll put the theory into action, and show you how to actually use the line chart to find a forex scalp trade. And although Darko’s personal trading style is longer-term, you’ll see in the video how you use his approach to scalp! Very powerful stuff. This particular trade was up close to a 4:1 RR at the time of recording.

You can view the video here:    • Using Line Charts to Find a Forex Sca...  

2025 is less than 2 weeks away. Get a head start by joining our services now and have Darko show you, in advance, exactly how to put everything together, no matter what style of trading you prefer:

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, and all the best for the Holiday Season!

Vic Noble, on behalf of Darko Ali and Forexmentor
[email protected]
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