《守護大熊貓之福寶誕生記 Guardians Of The Panda - The Chronicle of FuBao's Birth》

Описание к видео 《守護大熊貓之福寶誕生記 Guardians Of The Panda - The Chronicle of FuBao's Birth》

如何用短短的15分鐘去捕捉一個延續800萬年的孑遺物種?去閃現幾代人40年薪火相傳的探索發現?去重述疫情之下雲端之上許多個晝夜的跨國生命接力?首部完整記錄第一隻在韓出生大熊貓「福寶」的紀錄片 #守護大熊貓之福寶誕生記 已於今日正式上線。

How to capture a relict species that has survived for 8 million years in just 15 minutes? How to flashback to the discoveries that have been passed down from generation to generation in 40 years? How to retell the transnational life relay that lasted for many days and nights during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The first documentary to fully document the birth of the first giant panda born in Korea, "Fu Bao," #Guardians Of The Panda - The Chronicle of FuBao's Birth, has been officially released now.
Here's the answer.


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